General Information

The Arctic Wolf is a close relative of the grey wolf, but has certain differences that allow it to survive in the arctic region.  Its white fur allows it to blend in amongst the snowy climate, and other slight differences help it conserve warmth in the freezing temperatures of its home.  The Arctic Wolf is a hunter, and a carnivore, and eats arctic rabbits and muskox.  Arctic Wolves travel in packs, live together and hunt together.  They are a fascinating species that is unfortunately vulnerable right now due to our lack of care of our planet.

Arctic Wolf

An arctic wolf

Scientific Classification of the Arctic Wolf
Kingdom: Animalia – Animalia is a kingdom including eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms that reproduce sexually.
Phylum: Chordata – This phylum includes organisms with a dorsal nerve chord.
Subphylum: Vertebrata – Chordates with segmented backbones encasing the hollow dorsal nerve chord.
Class: Mammalia – Those in the mammal class have hair or fur, have three ear bones, and a neocortex, as well as a four chambered heart.  They are also warmblooded.
Order: Carnivora – Organisms in the order carnivora eat only meat
Family: Carnidae – This family is that of dog-like mammals
Genus: Canis – This genus includes animals such as wolves, dogs and dingoes.  Only ten of the species included are still extant.
Species:  lupus – Wolves
Subspecies: arctos – Arctic Wolves

One thought on “General Information

  1. Hey Sarah, your site is coming together fine; however, there are a few minor typos and inaccurate statements that need to be fixed. You need to sit down with me outside of class so I can help you fix these minor errors. For now, you need to add the subphylum “Vertebrata” to your taxonomical classification, and I think the subspecies should be “arctos” (italicized) as mentioned on your first page. Also, your species is “lupus” (italicized); not “C. lupus”. There are more errors as well. For now I will give you 22/25 points for checkpoint #1.

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